County officeholders and candidates for county office are required by state law to file reports of their campaign contributions and expenditures with the County Clerk. The form for these reports is prescribed by the Texas Ethics Commission. Filing deadlines are available on the Ethics Commission web site.
Note: Filings are presented on the web site as a convenience. The absence of a filing on the web site does not mean that a candidate or officeholder has not filed a required report. For complete, accurate, up-to-date information on any filing, please check with the County Clerk’s office directly.
Note: Before submitting through the online portal, users must complete the Travis County Elections – Campaign Finance Security Form and submit it to the Elections Office at
Please review the Campaign Finance Website-User Guide before filing through the online portal.
What's available on this site?
You can view scanned images of filings made by candidates and office holders since July of 1997. These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print. The reader can be downloaded free from Adobe.
The files on the web site vary in size from approximately 200k to 3 meg. Files larger than 3 meg have been split into two or more files. Originals remain on file in the County Clerk’s office and may be referenced by the same document number used on the web site.
Search for filings
Campaign Finance filings from 1997 to present are available.
What's not available on this site?
Personal financial disclosure statements are available for public viewing in the office of the County Clerk.
State law requires that you log your name, address, and the name of the person or organization you are representing, in order to view an individual’s personal financial disclosure statement.